Bump hubs


Bump hubs are servers that contain a global bump channel. This bump channel receives every bump sent out by servers using ServerMate.

How do I know if a server is a bump hub or not?

There are three simple ways to tell a bump hub apart from more traditional servers:

In the !hub menu

Type !hub in any server to find the status of their bump hub eligibility. This can easily tell you if a server is a bump hub or not

ServerMate's profile picture in bumps

In a normal server, ServerMate's profile picture will look like this:

Whereas, in a bump hub, ServerMate's profile picture will look like this:

The number of bumps appearing

Most servers using ServerMate tend to get 2-6 bumps within 12 hours (depending on the shard), bump hubs on the other hand receive 1-2 bumps per minute. If the flow of bumps seems very consistent, then you are probably in a bump hub

How to I convert my server to a bump hub?

  1. Ensure you have purchased premium

  2. Apply for server verification (type !verify)

  3. Ensure ServerMate has the "Manage webhooks" permission enabled

  4. Wait a moment as a webhook is generated

Last updated