
Common issues when using the /bump command

03 Invalid Channel

Your bump channel has not been created or set-up yet


Run the /setup command to get ServerMate ready for use in your server

04 Invalid Permissions

ServerMate does not have the permissions to get your server ready for bumping


Ensure ServerMate either has the Administrator permission, or manually enable the following:

05 Invalid Message

ServerMate does not have an advertisement message to use for your server


Run the /setup command to get ServerMate ready for use in your server

06 Issue with advertisement

Your server's bump message contains a banned phrase, word or mention


Remove any of the following you find in your advertisement message:

08 Temporarially disabled

ServerMate has just booted up and needs a minute or two to get ready to advertise.


Fortunately, while you cannot do anything to fix this error, waiting a few minutes should let ServerMate get ready to be able to bump your server!

09 Invalid Server Icon


10 This server is still in a cooldown

The server has already been bumped recently. You might need to hold on a while before you can bump again


Cooldowns take either 10 or 20 minutes to end, depending on if you have voted or not. Vote for our bot and wait until your server's cooldown is finished before bumping again

Last updated

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