Patreon info

General information and FAQ for ServerMate's Patreon page

What do I get?

Here is a list of premium features and what they do, note that not all of the premium features listed below will come with every premium option, so check our Patreon page against this list to know what you get.

Remove ads when you bump

Pretty self-explanatory, ServerMate will no longer show you partnered advertisements when you type !bump. Note that this only applies to you and not anyone else in your server.

Bypass server verification queue

When !verifying your server, your server is placed into a verification queue for our staff to see to, having premium gives you priority over the normal queue, meaning that you can get accepted faster

Patreon-only posts and messages

This option gives you access to our special announcements that are only meant for premium users. While we are not too sure on what we are going to post about, I am feeling that it will turn into something like a group of articles on how best to promote your servers, along with the odd codes to get some extra credits or XP.

Become a bump hub

Bump hubs allow your server to receive every bump sent by every server using ServerMate people will also sometimes be notified that their bump message was posted in your server. We feature-locked this due to the vast amount of processing power required to provide this on-scale. Convert your server's bump channel to a bump hub by typing !hub

Add a bump banner

Add an image below your bump message to add colour and attract even more attention to your bump

Bump Banner

Use a custom invite

Replace ServerMate's normal auto-generated invite link with your own custom link. Find the option in !settings

Use custom bump colours

Unlock every colour imaginable (using #HEX) to display on the left-hand-side of your message when you bump your server. Find the option in !setup

Vote for future ServerMate features & update ideas before they are addressed to the public

Occasionally we may hold polls on Patreon for our premium users to vote on to decide the future of ServerMate, becoming premium allows you to have a bigger influence on choices made with the bot.

Use force reminders

This option makes ServerMate automatically enable bump reminder DMs for every person who types the !bump command in your server. Note that server members can turn this off for themselves permanently by typing !force at any time.

Add a GIF bump banner

Don't want a still picture below your bump message? GIF banners allow you to place an animated video-like image below your message instead of the normal bump banners

How do I become a Patreon?

Visit our Patreon page

Learn how to become a Patreon

When will I receive my perks?

You should have received your ServerMate Premium perks within 48 hours of purchase. If you still do not receive your Premium perks, please let InsideDev#9477 know by joining our support server and sending them a DM.


All ServerMate products or memberships are sold under a no-refunds policy. By purchasing any online goods relating to ServerMate, you acknowledge that your right to a refund is withdrawn, unless under exceptional circumstances, by which your right to a refund is decided by the goods provider (us), unless otherwise governed by Patreon Inc.

Last updated